1) Topics Chosen related to standard(s).
2) Reflection of the PowerPoint production process (including a listing of and links to specific standards addressed). This should be about 1 page.
Technical Requirements
3) 5 Slides Minimum
4) At least one graphic on each slide.
5) Two imported sounds (not those that are included with PowerPoint).
6) At least one custom graphic obtained from either a) Scanning or b) A Digital Camera
7) Transitions to each slide specified
8) Animations used appropriately.
Optional/Additional Requirements
9) The use of a movie clip. Be sure the movie is both a real movie (not a movie alias), and that the movie is saved in the same folder as your powerpoint presentation.
Please adhere in your design and layout to the basic C.R.A.P. principles of Contrast, Repetition, Allignment, and Proximity.
Also please keep in mind that you the PowerPoint presentation itself does not contain all of the information you wish to communicate. It serves as an overview or outline of the main ideas and subideas. It is through the presentation of the material that you will convey the totality of your content.