Let me see the links (this is an example of an 'anchor')
What do I need to submit?
Send an e-mail with the link to your teacher page. [teacher page and student page should link to each other].
A working Webquest includes:
- Complete all sections of both the student and teacher webquest html pages (some students may create only one page, with permission of instructor)
- place all html files in your helios web folder (create one if necessary).
- place all linked .doc and .pdf files in your web folder
- place all linked graphics in your web folder
- place all sound and movie files you embed in your page in your web folder
Back to the IT 614 Fall 2011 syllabus.
Example of an External:(Link to Game Salad home page.)
Example of Link to Audio file (Abbot and Costello Who's on First)
This page create by Anthony Betrus 6/18/08. Last updated 9/24/11)