Baxter, Christopher Robert
Born May 13, 1975, in the city of Syracuse.
Grew-up in the town of West Monroe, New York (20 miles North of Syracuse).
Graduated high school from Paul V. Moore H.S. in 1993.
Started my undergraduate work at SUNY Potsdam in the fall of 1993.
Finally graduated in May 1998, with a major in Chemistry and Education,
as well as a start on graduate work.
Recently (August 10, 1998) I was appointed to an Eighth grade Physical
Science position in the Brushton-Moira School District.
My name is Nellie and I am a full time grad. student. I used to play
soccer and lacrosse for SUNY Potsdam as an undergrad. I am currently
working in the Outdoor Rec. Department here and I enjoy most any outdoor
activity. The picture I drew represents Mt. Santinoni, one of the
few trailess high peaks in the Adirondacks. I led an off trail navigation
up and back the mountain via a huge slide on the southwest face and a lot
of spikey spruce trees. I’m glad to be back at school after a long,
tough summer working like a slave at a YMCA camp in the Catskills (Frost
Valley--heard of it?). I’m really looking forward to learning a lot
more about computers which shouldn’t be hard because I’m not to good with
them yet anyway.
My name is Sandra Fiorile and I am in the ITMM program. I am a registered
Respiratory Therapist who prior to becoming a full-time student at Potsdam
State was the Education Coordinator at Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac
Lake. During my ten years as a healthcare educator, I had been involved
with telemedicine, videoconferencing, and computer assisted instruction.
My professional objectives are to work in an industry as a specialist in
the development of learning activities that utilize technology.
Hi, my name is Edie Hanlon. I'm a Part-time Business teacher at Gouverneur
Middle School. I teach 7th graders keyboarding. I am an ITMM
(Instructional Technology and Media Management) major at SUNY @ Potsdam.
I have completed four (4) courses to date and am taking three (3) this
fall, so I hope to complete my masters at least by next summer/fall.
My hobbies are: singing, cooking and craftwork (when I have the time,
which right now, I don't). My goal is to obtain a Full-time teaching
position upon completion of my masters. I enjoy working with computers
(even though I grew up in the non-computer age, I'm learning more and more
as I go along). I think it is worth everyones time to take at least
one basic computer course (so many things are run by computers now, everyone
at least the basic skills). Of course, I say this, I'm a Business
Teacher. Once I was scared to enter the world of internet, but now
that I've jumped in and began, it's not as scary as I thought it would
be. You are probably wondering, how could she be a Business Teacher
and not know that much about computers. Well, I've had my Bachelors
for a few years and you don't always have to know a lot about computers
to be a Business Teacher, but like I said above, I've learned a lot just
by taking my courses towards my masters.
My name is Kristin Towne. I am planning to Major in ITMM for my masters.
I grew up in a small town about an hour from here called Star Lake.
I completed my undergraduate work in Art Ed. and Art History in the spring
of 1996. I am currently working as a jr./sr. high Art teacher at
St. Lawrence Central. My interest in this course is not only a class
toward my degree, I am also interested in creating a graphics course for
my highschool students.
Michelle Jenkinson. I teach 8th and 9th Grade Math at Salmon River
Central School. I am currently pursuing a graduate degree in ITMM at SUNY
Potsdam and my current goal is to graduate next May 99. After this
semester, I will only have two courses remaining including an elective
and my culminating experience. I am also a Captain in the United States
Army Reserves and play an active role in the school and community
including volleyball coach, soccer referree, yearbook advisor, Hopkinton
Town Rec Commitee, and T-Ball coach.
Name is Gregory Day, I am orginaaly from Schoharie, New York where I was
Born and raised. While in High school I played Ice Hockey and was a very
good musican. I Graduated from High School in 1991, and attended Potsdam
College that Fall. I later Graduted from Potsdam College with a BA in Mathematics
and Secondary Education, in 1997. I am now attending graduate school to
get my Master's degree in ITMM and then I plan to move on and get my Doctorate
in Technolgy instruction or something along that
I grew up with two sister's , one is Married and is 29 and lives in
Plattsburgh New York, the other is 22 and lives in Naples Florida.
My parents are also live in Naples Florida and are enjoying there
retirements. I am planning upon graduating in the spring to move to California
with my girl friend and go to graduate School out there to get my Doctorate.
I am 26 and love to learn more things out about technology and computers
ecah day.
Ron Hazelton
Michael York
Vaughan. Darrell Vaughan. Capricorn. Favorite Color: Purple. Undergraduate:
B.S. Recreation, Parks and Tourism. Hobbies: Rocklimbing, driving fast,
and thinking deep thoughts. I am prior service military (Army). I did
a three year tour with the 101st Airborne, six years with the 29th Infantry
(the same unit that get's slaughtered at the beginning of "Saving Private
Ryan"), and two years with the 10th Mountain Division. I am currently
enrolled in an ROTC program, and should be commissioned as a 2nd LT in
December 99. I come from a long, proud line of militarymen-all of the men
in my family have been promoted to sergeant at least three times. My job
in the Army was Fire Support. I was a Forward Observer who adjusted artillery
rounds, close air support, and naval gunfire onto target. It was fun.
Now, I am seeking a Masters Degree in Instructional Technology.