The Many Hats of an Instructional Designer Card Game - Overview

Be a good listener Hear what people are saying
Be empathetic and understanding Be responsive to poeoples' feelings
Develop and maintain a trusting relationship If people can confide in you, it will make your job easier
Be accepting and uncritical Take in all information, positive and negative, without being judgemental
Satisfy your audience Make every effort to meet the needs of your clients
Keep options open - be flexible Don't get stuck in one way of thinking or with only a few alternatives
Be prepared Be ready for anything
Motivate with humor People will learn more if they are comfortable and having fun
artist's palette
Develop a variety of solutions Use models as a launch platform to develop multiple possible answers
Develop creative solutions Don't just do it, do it with style
Deal with ill-structured problems Be prepared to make senese of confusing situations
Turn the basic into the unique Take what you are given and make it something special
Problem Solver
Develop a strategy Determine what steps need to be taken
Use analysis skills Like an auto-mechanic, first find out what's broken.
Fix the problem, not the symptoms Make sure to get to the root of the problem
Be effective and efficient Do what needs to be done using the fewest possible resources
Obtain multiple perspectives Get input from a wide variety of people
Test designs early and often Don't wait until the last minute to see if it will work
Use diverse evaluation methods Conduct one-to-one, small group, and large group feedback sessions
Determine the contextual factors Find out what the environmental influences are, including setting and climate


There are two rounds in each game and players are separated into two teams.  Players seat themselves at the table, with players from opposite teams alternating seats.  See diagram below for example of 8 player game with two teams.

Table Layout
Pre-Game Activity (optional).  Take the deck, shuffle it, and spread all of the cards on the table in from of both teams.  Assign them the task of "sorting" the cards.  This takes approximately 15-30 minutes.  Give no other instructions.  They will soon discover that the sorting has everything to do with the graphics on the cards.  This varies from group to group.

Round 1
- During Round #1, the five Archetype cards are  spaced out evenly on the table.
- A player from team 1 begins by randomly choosing one of the cards from the shuffled Attribute stack (the elaboration cards are not used until round 2).
- The card is then read aloud (but not shown) to the player to her left.  This player can then choose to match the Attribute card to the appropriate Archetype card, or pass.  If the player chooses the correct Archetype card (correct match), then that player's team is awarded 1 point.  If the player chooses incorrectly, her team loses one point.  It is important that after each incorrect guess that the reader not place the card on the correct Archetype, as other players have a chance during that turn to attempt to match the card after it is answered incorrectly. In the case of an incorrect guess, the next player to the left (who is on the opposite team)  can then choose to attempt to match the card, or pass.  This process continues until the card is matched, or all players have passed.  At the end of the turn the card should be placed with the correct Archetype, either by a correct match or everyone passing.
- Play continues in a clockwise fashion (regardless of passes, correct, or incorrect answers, the reader will be the person to the left of the reader in the previous turn.
- Play continues until all Attribute cards have been played.
- Points for Round #1 are as follows: 1 point for each correct Archetype and Attribute match; -1 points for each incorrect Archetype guess; and 0 points for a pass.

Round 2
- Play during round #2 is identical to round number #1, except the Elaboration cards are matched to the Attribute cards.  In round 1, the there were only 5 choices  (the five Archetype cards).  In round 2, there are 20 choices (each Elaboration card corresponds with one of the Attribute cards placed on the table in round #1).
- The point system is somewhat different as well, as there are two possible ways to make a correct match: 1) The player attempts to match the Elaboration card to the correct Attribute card.  If the match is exact, the player's team is awarded 2 points.  It is also possible, however, that the player choses an to match the Elaboration card to an Attribute card that is not exactly correct, yet they have chosen the correct Archetype category.  In this case the card is placed on the correct Attribute, and the player's team is awarded 1 point.  If the player guesses completely wrong (wrong Atribute; wrong Archetype); that player's team loses one point, and play continues to the left until a correct match is made, or all players pass.
-The team with the most points at the end of round 2 is the winner, however, the instructor should have a class goal of all teams finishing with positive point totals.

Post-Game Activity
Have each of the players select one attribute of an instructional designer that they taken the role of.  Have them describe what they did whe wearing this "hat" in an online discusssion forum.  They should then read and respond to other students' anecdotes as well.  Discuss the anecdotes during the second class session.

**New** Click here to try out a prototype of the online version of the game.  When playing the game, the card should be covered with a peice of paper of 'sticky', and read by the opposite team.  In this way the players attempting to match cards will not simply match the icons.  Keep in mind, this is just a prototype.

The following are examples of anecdotes that students in Instructional Technology program at SUNY Potsdam reported after playing the instructional technology card game: The Many Hats of and Instructional Designer.  Their task was to pick one of 5 archetypes (Counselor, Performer, Artist, Problem Solver, User), and then to pick one of the attributes for that type.  They then reported an anecdote from their own experience that related to the role the particular attribute of an instructional desgner that they chose.

A co-worker's cousin was hit by a car. He was only 14 years old. She did not understand why this had to happen to him. So at this point all I could do was be a good listener.

I organized the American Heart Association Heart and Stroke Support Group at the Potsdam Hospital and was the Director for 9 years. It was a wonderful but demanding experience.  I had to develop and maintain a trusting relationship with the many heart and stroke patients who attended the meetings. I became a very good empathetic and understanding listnering. The long hours were very rewarding, I feel they gave more to me than I did them. I regretfully gave up the position because besides working fulltime, I wanted to pursue my College education, while also caring for my mom who I finally lost to cancer on July 3, 2000.

Often times in the scanerio of diet ed. goals are estiblished but not obtained. In order to continue to move the patient ahead one must be accepting and uncritical.

This is one of my responsibilities as an assistant hockey coach to the head coach Mark Morris. He comes under enough criticism, concerning the decisions he makes, from the public so I need to be supportive and ultimately a friend.

As the dairy princess I to teach children about the benefits of milk and dairy products. To do this I had to come up with fun games and funny skits to keep their interest and make sure they got the point.

I think I am a performer, with the music background I have always believed deep inside that I need to be prepared all the time. I need to perform at my best as a student, as a daughter, as any roles I take. I also believed we need to keep the options open and be flexible all the time, not to be paranoid, but what if something you spend all the energy and time to work on and it didn't work out?  Everyone needs some alternative plans. So when something doesn't work we have plan B, C, D, E, etc.

Being prepared to adapt our plans, on the spot basically, is very important as a teacher (especially this time of year). Each and every class is different. I teach four sections of Regents Earth Science, each of them is very different from the rest. Another twist, this time of the year, is school delays. We may have shortened classes, but still must find ways to get through the same amount of material effectively.

I am currently the Varsity Swimming coach at Indian River High School. Each day I am challenged to motivate 15 swimmers who have individual goals and needs at the same time. It takes careful planning to meet each swimmers needs.  If I am not prepared with a detailed practice plan these swimmers would lose interest fast.

This reminded me of my role in performance improvement.  When unexpected things happen, they are reported to my office.  Our role is to be uncritical, yet be prepared to reduce the risk of recurrence of the event.

I taught Latch-Key, an after school program for elementary level students, for two year's.  Keeping the 80+ students attention was the Key to my success or failure. I was the only teacher. What I did or did not do determined everything. I was responsible for all of those students for up 3 and an half hours. To maintain the peace and the attention of each and ever student I had to "satisfy the audience". Whatever it took I did it, acting out hip characters of the time, Playing indoor and outdoor activities(playing not just supervising), and knowing what interests each student had and when to point them in that direction. In fact come to think of it, this Anecdote includes Problem Solving,Counseling, Artist, and the Performer models. If you don't believe me stop by your local school around 3:00 in the arfternoon, and enjoy the structured chaos.
After graduating from The Crane School of Music last December, I took on a professional residency in Arts Administration with the Community Performance Series. I spent much of my residency as a Designer as Artist-Develop Creative Solutions.  When I arrived at CPS, the Meet the Arts! Outreach Program was a shambles. I developed an entire program to facilitate outreach performances and activities, including scheduling performances, cultivating new venues, increasing artist rosters, administering artist payroll and evaluating outreach programs. As a result of my creative solutions, the outreach program increased audiences by at least 50%. Needless to say, I am quite proud of the students, community members and myself for our achievements!

Over the past years since undergraduate school, I have worked as a school band director at a small rural school. Each year with experienced students graduating, and newer inexperienced students coming into the program. Every year there would be changes in the strengths and weaknesses of the different sections. And every year I would have to utilize the resources I had, and adapt my planning and selection of materials in order to get the best performance from the group.

I teach sixth grade math. I always try to show a variety of solutions for my students because there are so many different learning styles. Also NYS standards promote a variety of solutions.

PROBLEM SOLVER - FIX THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SYMPTOMS - MAKE SURE TO GET TO THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM Much time and effort is lost if the wrong thing is fixed. The easiest fix does not always address the ROOT of the problem. I am reminded of a project whereby the ER time was thought to be too long in treating patients. A team was formed and it was decided that lab work was not getting to the Lab fast enough, an expensive pneumatic tube system was purchased and when remonitored, the times of treatment were even longer. The team was lead by assumptions, not by facts, and misidentified the root cause.

This page created 6/13/01 by Anthony Betrus.  Last updated 6/21/01.