Multimedia Production Division of AECT  




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of the Division of Multimedia Production in the
Association of Educational Communication and Technology
February, 2004
Adopted July 2004
Final revisions are to be submitted to the AECT Board of Directors by Summer Board Meeting 2005


The name of the division will be The Division of Multimedia Production a subordinate group in the Association of Educational Communication and Technology.

Section 1. The Mission of the Division is to promote the discovery, experimentation, production, and utilization of the latest multimedia practices and establish standards promoting the best application of multimedia.

Section 2. The authority for creation of this division is set under the bylaws, policies and procedures of AECT. This Division represents a group of individuals with an interest in the many aspects of multimedia production.


The purpose of the division shall be to promote the production and utilization of the latest production practices and the best application of multimedia innovation by the creation of a network of individuals engaged in multimedia production in both national and international settings. The division will promote the newest and latest advancements and through the production and utilization make recommendations of best practices and participate in the dialogue of national standards for the development of future innovation.

ARTICLE III. Governance

The Division of Multimedia and Production shall be governed under the guidelines of the international Association of Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). The Division will operate under the same legal and financial requirements as AECT. It must meet all the non-profit practices under appropriate legal, federal and state codes of the national organization.

ARTICLE IV. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, as from time to time revised, shall govern the Division in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or special rules of order the Division may adopt.

ARTICLE V. Membership

Section 1. Membership of this division will adhere to all regulations, policies and procedures set up by the National Association of Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). This includes payment of dues, requests for expenditures, cooperative activities with other divisions and representation on the AECT National Board.

Section 2. All individuals who are members in good standing shall have the right to vote, hold office, and serve on committees. To be in good standing, a member must not be more than three months in arrears in his/her membership to the Association. Inactive members can reinstate their good standing by payment of annual dues to the AECT Executive Director.

ARTICLE VI. Officers

Section 1. The Officers of the Division shall be:

Immediate Past President
President Elect (First Vice President)
Vice President for Web Production
Vice President for Multimedia Tools
Vice President of Multimedia Delivery Systems
Two Board members At Large
Secretary/Communications Officer, and
Representative to the Board of Directors

Section 2. Terms of Office: The term of office for President is for two years, Immediate Past President and President Elect shall be for one year. All other officers shall be elected for three year terms and rotate in years so that the whole board is not up for election at the same time. The election procedure is described in the policies of the national association and will be completed by electronic ballot on the AECT National Association Website following the same guidelines as other divisions of the association.

Section 3. Re-elections: Officers may be re-elected for one additional term.

Section 4. President. The President of The Division of Multimedia Production is the highest ranking elected officer of the Division and is directly accountable to the membership. The President leads the Division Board in development of the strategic plans, goals, and objectives of the division and provides leadership and direction. The President serves as the Chair of Division Board Meetings and Annual Division Membership Meetings. A detailed position description, approved by the AECT Board of Directors shall be maintained on the division's website.

Section 3. Immediate Past President. In those years when a new President is not elected to succeed the president, the current President assumes the office of Immediate Past President at the annual membership meeting in connection to the Annual Conference of the National Association. This officer serves for one year only.

A vacancy in the office of Immediate Past President cannot be filled by appointment. After the one year of transition the immediate past president completes his service to the division and is not replaced.

Section 4. President Elect. The president elect will be selected on a bi-annual basis to serve for one year in this office. The responsibility of this office is to serve as the division program chair for the year prior to their assuming the role as President. The President Elect will serve in a similar role as the First Vice President and will chair division board and membership meetings if the President is not in attendance. If there is no President elect, the division board meetings will meet as a committee of the whole and will make decisions by consensus.

Section 5. Vice Presidents. The Vice Presidents functions as a direct aid to the Division membership in carrying out tasks that complement the work and special interests of division members.

A vice president is elected into each of the following areas:
a.)Vice President for Web Production,
b.)Vice President for Multimedia Tools, and
c.) Vice President of Multimedia Delivery Systems

Each Vice President will focus in the area they are elected to and make recommendations to the President Elect in developing a program that has breadth and meet the needs of a diverse membership. The Vice Presidents shall function as the division program chairs in the year that there is no election for President Elect.

In the event of a vacancy, the Division Board shall make an appointment to succeed and complete the term of a vice president vacating their office. A detailed position description, approved by the Division Board, shall be maintained on the division's website.

Section 6. Board Members at Large. Two board members will be selected for three year terms in a rotation so that they do not both leave office in the same year. They are elected to serve for three years and are elected by the division membership. Their specific duties after election may be assigned to meet specific tasks to maintain balance on the board, but generally are responsible for membership in the division and provide assistance to the Secretary/Communications Officer of the Division as needed.

Section 7. Secretary/Communication Officer. The Secretary/Communication Officer oversees the recording of proceedings of meetings of the Division and the Division Board and is responsible to get the Division's Activities to appear on the Division Website and in AECT Publications. A detailed position description, approved by the Division Board, shall be maintained on the Division's website.

Section 8. Division Representative to the AECT Board. The Division representative is elected from the division membership to serve a three year term on the AECT Board of Directors. The board member is elected from the membership of the division and fulfills a term of office in the general rotation of the AECT Board of Directors. The initial term will be determined by the AECT Executive Committee. The Division Representative to the Board is to represent the division on issues of governance, policy and procedure. They represent the needs and concerns of the division so they can meet their goals and objectives with assistance from the National Board of Directors and Association Executive Director. The issues of the division membership and division board should communicate to the national organization through this board representative. A current more detailed position description, approved by the Division Board, shall be maintained on the Association's website.

Section 9. Individuals joining the Division Board by appointment shall meet the term of the vacated person and can be re-elected only once.

ARTICLE VII. Division Board

Section 1. The Division Board shall be the principal governing body of the Division. The Board shall consist of the Officers and two members elected at large.

Section 2. The term of office for each Division Board member shall be staggered upon approval of the creation of the division so there is a smooth transfer of leadership to establish strength and stability. Board members at large may be re-elected for one additional term. The election procedure for Division Board members is the same as those of other officers.

Section 3. The Division Board shall meet at the minimum of once a year in connection to the Annual Convention. As much as possible, the board, if it has a quorum of members; can meet at the annual Summer National Association Board Meeting. They may meet more often, if the need arises if agreed to or called by the President and at least three members that have membership in the Division Board of Directors. Board meetings may be held in person, by teleconference, or other electronic means. A proposed agenda and supporting materials shall be made available to Board members prior to a Board meeting and also placed on the website for general information of the division membership.

Section 4. A quorum shall consist of one more than half the current number of Board members and must include at least the President or President elect and a Division Representative at Large. All aspects of the meeting should be reported to the membership through the appropriate list serve and website.

Section 5. In the event a vacancy occurs on the Board, the President shall recommend a replacement. Only the approval of the Division Board as a whole has the right to appoint a member to fill the vacancy. Appointed members shall serve out the term of the individuals they replace on the Board. Individuals joining the Division Board by appointment shall complete the term of the vacancy and may be re-elected once and not serve more than 6 consecutive years in that office.

Section 6. With the approval of the Division Board, the President may recommend that any Board member be removed from office by the following procedure:
1) reasons for the proposed action must be provided in writing to the member,
2) the member shall have sufficient time in which to represent themselves to the members of the division Board,
3) a two-thirds vote of the current number of Board members shall then decide.

ARTICLE VIII. Nominations and Elections

Section 1. Nominations. The Division Board shall on or before December 15th submit to the Executive Director of AECT a list of candidates for each position subject to election in that year. The names of these individuals and other such supportive materials as deemed appropriate by the Division Board shall be posted to the Association's (AECT) website on or before February 1st. The National Association's administrative office shall place this information on the Website as part of the national association's election process. The election is then completed under the procedures established by the Executive Board of AECT.

Section 2. Elections. The Election is carried out on the AECT National Website, and when results are final, the division president is notified of the results. The division president then notifies all candidates and then posts the results on the division website. A plurality of the votes cast is needed for election. In the event of a tie, the election shall be decided by a flip of a coin.

Section 3. Newly elected Officers and Board members will assume their office at the National Conference Membership Meeting.

ARTICLE IX. Membership Meetings

At annual meetings, the division should develop a program that shares the latest tools in multimedia production, increase awareness of developmental tools for multimedia production and provide a collaborative environment for multimedia producers to establish a connection with technology and communication specialists that are not currently served. Through our collaborative effort it is our ultimate purpose to participate in the international dialogue that defines standardization and acceptable best practices of multimedia in the educational and communication process.

Section 1. Annual General Meeting Time, Place, and Purpose. The Annual General Meeting of the division shall be held at such time and place as may be selected by the Division Board or by schedule of the AECT national Convention Programming Committee and stated in the Notice of Meetings. The Annual membership meeting shall include the installation of officers and board members at large and the transaction of such other business as may properly be brought before the membership.

Section 2. Notice of Meetings. The President shall give notice of all Division meetings stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting and, in case of a Special Meeting, the purpose for which the meeting is called.

Section 3. Quorum. A quorum for transaction of business shall be not less than 10% of the total membership in good standing.

Section 4. Voting and Representation. Each member who is present shall be entitled to one vote at all division meetings.

ARTICLE X. Amendments

Section 1. Amendments of the bylaws may be proposed by a majority of the Division Board or by a petition, sent to the president bearing the signatures of at least 15 members in good standing in the division.

Section 2. Notice of proposed changes in the division bylaws, shall be posted to the Division's website as soon as possible for the membership to make comment or ask questions prior to the vote. The Division's President and Communication Officer will make certain that the information is posted and distributed by electronic means. The majority of votes will make the changes effective at the next membership meeting of the Division.

Section 3. In the event of an urgent requirement for an amendment, the Board of Directors, by a two-thirds vote, may authorize posting a proposed amendment to the members at any time. Through the AECT Website, voting on these changes will fit within the scope established by the National Executive Committee and the Executive Director.

Section 4. All amendments of the bylaws require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members in good standing who submit valid ballots.

ARTICLE XI. Other Provisions

Section 1. Responsibility/Indemnification. The Division shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in its convention program or in papers or discussions at annual meetings of AECT or for statements by any of the division's members, officers, or staff, except those authorized by the Division Board or those reflecting duly established policies of the Division and Association.
Section 2. Committees. Standing or special committees can be established by the Division Board.

Special Committees work until they make a report to the division board for action. They are dissolved once the board has received their report.

Standing Committees may be established by the division board to function as an appendage of the Board to provide better service to members of the division.

The creation or dissolution of the standing committee requires a majority vote by the division board of directors.

ARTICLE XII. Dissolution of the Division

In the event of the dissolution of the division under the AECT National guidelines or by the by a 2/3rd vote of the AECT Board of Directors, the Division Board and officers are released and the division dissolved. In proper action the National Board of directors can dissolve a division only with purpose, stated in writing and communicated to the members of the division.


Multimedia Production Division of
the Association for Educational Communications & Technology

For more information contact:
Chuck Stoddard, PhD. MPD Board Representative


Anthony Betrus, PhD. MPD President.