Title: Reader Rabbit's Math 4-6
Overall Rating: (A-)
Source: Broderbund
Playing Time: Seven games and each game has 2-5
different levels (varies)
Software Release Date: 1998
Cost: $9.99 Broderbund
Operating System:
PC and MAC
Number of Players: One player at a time
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: This particular
software does not require special equipment or facilities due to it's ability
to be user friendly.
Subject Area: Math
Objectives: Overall objectives: to enhance children's
appreciation for numbers, explore basic number concepts, develop skills in counting,
adding, subtracting, recognizing number relationships,patterns, colors, and
shapes. Children are encourage to discover higher-level math concepts and to
develop an awarenessof mathematical relationships. The objectives are implied.
Found in the manual
Brief Description: The Reader Rabbit's Math was
designed to create an environment where very young students can learn the basic
concept about math. The students will enjoy joining Math rabbit at the amusement
park as they play with numbers in the Math Racer car, Log Ride, or the Hurricane
Hare Roller Coaster. Other attraction offered in this program is Calliope Counting
Game, Tightrope Show, the Sea Lion Show, and the Balloon Matching Game. It does
not matter which game you choose because each and every game is filled with
interesting math problems that can be solved to win a prize.
Entry Capabilities Required: Students must be able
to control the mouse and be able to click on the spot they want to go.
Rating: (1-5)
Relevance to objectives: (5) The Reader Rabbit
Math software meets all the objectives mentioned in the objective area. Each
of the math games hit a different math skill. Some of the objectives in Math
Racer Gameis meet by matching groups with Arabic numerals, Recognizing the
number of sides of various shapes, Testing knowledge of additional and subtraction
facts for numbers 1-10, and matching equivalent expressions.The log Ride meets
the objectives through manipulating objectives to gain hands-on experience,
through exploring multiple solutions to given problems, and through combining
sets of one-and two- digit numbers to arrive at a desired sum. The Roller
Coaster meets the objectives through finding and completing a pattern of numbers
and through finding and completing a pattern of shapes and colors. Other ways
this program used to meet the objectives is by associating numbers symbols
with their spoken names by hearing the number in a song, by exploring and
counting numbers from1 to 8, by discovering and creating musical tunes, by
identifing numbers and recognizing simple number relationships, by learning
simple number number concepts with visual and auditory reinforcement, by matching
sets of objects to target numbeers from1-10, by matchingless than and greateer
than in target numbers from0 to 99, by adding and subtracting numbers from
0 to 15, by understanding the concept of equivalence, by solving addition
and subtraction problems to create number patterns , by observing and recognizing
number patterns created by repeatedly adding or subtracting a given number
from1 to 99, by building concentration and recall, by associating and matching
numbers with groups of objects, by associating numbers from 1 to 8 with their
written names, by matching sums and differences to numbers or other sums and
differences, and by adding and subtracting two-digit numbers from1 to 99.
(The Learning Company)
Provides practice of relevant skills: (5) In
each of the activiites a different skill is practiced by activating one of
the colorful objects on the screen. For example in the Math Racer counting
the number of different objects seen while riding in the Math Racer.
Likely to arouse/maintain interest: (4) This
program offers many different opportunities for children to explore. Their
interest is more likely to be maintained due to the self-control of each game
activity. The pleasingly happy go luckly clown and rabbit in each of the levels
may keep vey young children's interest, but may not hold the older childs
interest for to long. However, with the combination of the funny little clown
and rabbit along with other animated animals, doing their silly tricks, may
keep the older student interested for a little longer.
Likely to be comprehended clearly: (3) The activities
in this program was designed for 4-6 year olds. However, comprenhension of
math facts, even basic, may be well over the head of a 4 year old and even
some 5and 6 year olds.
Technical quality (durable, attractive): (5)
This program uses a well balance of color to draw a childs attraction to the
program. The animals were used to help make the activities appealing to the
eye and entertaining to young children.
Game: Winning dependent on player actions (rather than
chance): (5) In this program winning depends
on wherther or not you successfully go on a ride or complete a round of an
activity. If you do not complete the requirement than the student does not
recieve a ticket or a bonus ticket. For example in the Math Racer Game you
get to set behind the wheel of a car and watch problems fly in front of your
wind shield. The object is to beep the horn when a math problem flys pass
your wind shield that matches the problem you have been given in the driver
seat. If you are correct the wind shield wipers watch away the goo. If you
are incorrect you get the horn sound that tells you are wrong and to try again.
Simulation: Validity of game model (realistic, accurate
depiction): (5) The Reader Rabbit series
is based on an animated environment that is very close to the students real
world. For example: the animals in this program look much like a real animal,
except the Learning Company has taken images of real live animals and added
some animation to created the critters used in the program. The critters in
this program now have the ability to walk on two legs, talk, and wear clothing.
Evidence of effectiveness (e.g. field-test results):
(3) The effectiveness of this game is based soley on the short amount of time
I have spent playing the game. I do believe that older children should be
able to benifit in a postive way from this program. However, young children
may not have the motor skills to control the mouse and the direction in which
it needs to go.
Clear directions for play: (4) This program is
realitively easy to install if you are familar with the MAC. If not you could
have some difficulty finding the area in which to change the resolution for
the color. It also has a very small user guide and will be in full use to
help young children and their parents to learn how to play this game.
Effectiveness of debriefing:
(1) This program does not have a debriefing section due to the age of the
target auditance. Young children have little to no trouble expressing what
they want, but could find it very difficult to express their thoughts in mathimatical
terms. (The Learning Company)