Title: Tonka Construction
Overall Rating: A
Source: Walmart
Playing Time: 30 minutes per section   There are about 15 different tasks.
Date: 06-12-98
Cost: $ 21.95 for members   $29.95 for non-members     http://www.microstar-usa.com/html/chlded1.HTM
Number of Players: 1
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: cd-rom
Subject Area: S develops creativity,spatial reasoning, sequential thinking, and problem solving
Objectives: To put trucks together, so that they can use them to build cities.
Brief Description: Throughout the game they are given pieces to vehicles, that they use to assemble the construction trucks, after they have built all the trucks they can use them to build buildings,cities, and parks.
Entry Capabilities Required: Coordination with using the mouse.

Rating: (1-5)

Strong Points:  very interactive, actually feels real for the child.
Weak Points:  You are required to put a lot of equipment together , before they can move on to building bigger things. Requires a lot of time.
Reviewer: Lisa Weaver
Position: Undergrad Student
Date: 06-12-98
CompLiuter System Reviewed on: windows 95

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