Title: The San Diego Zoo Presents...The Animals!
Overall Rating:A-
Source:The Software Toolworks,Inc.
Playing Time: Over 1 hour of material
Date: 1992
Cost: $39.95 http://volvo.gslis.utexas.edu/~reviews/sandiego.html#top
Number of Players: 1
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: CD-Rom
Subject Area: Animals and the San Diego
Objectives: This multimedia tool allows
you to see and hear over 200 exotic mammals, birds, and reptiles.
It is all presented in over 60 minutes of video clips, which gives a multimedia
look at the San Diego Zoo.
Brief Description: Allows you to explore
the San Diego Zoo and its animals, regions and research facilities.
The main menu has a map of the Zoo in which you may click on any region
and explore that section of the zoo, the animals and the people that work
there. There is also an alphabetical list of the animals that are
located in the zoo. This allows someone to look up any animal that
you want, and the related topics
Entry Capabilities Required: Prior subject
-matter knowledge/vocabulary of zoo animals and the San Diego Zoo.
With a Reading ability of at least middle school level.
Rating: (1-5)
Relevance to objectives: 5
Provides practice of relevant skills:
5(Gives additional related topics along with the relevant skills)
Likely to arouse/maintain interest: 4(If
you like animals and related topics)
Likely to be comprehended clearly: 3(Depends
on the grade level, at least middle school or higher)
Technical quality (durable, attractive): 4
(Loads of video clips and audio segments along eith synchronized sound)
Game: Winning dependent on player actions (rather
than chance): N/A
Simulation: Validity of game model (realistic,
accurate depiction): 5 (Realistic and accurate
depiction of the animals)
Evidence of effectiveness (e.g. field-test results):
Clear directions for play:
3-4(One must watch the Overview of the program prior to using it.)
Effectiveness of debriefing:2-3(Let's
you know where you are, but not where you have been)
Strong Points: It has
an excellent narrated walkthrough of the program that is called and OVERVIEW.
It gives you directions as to how to "walk your way through the zoo."
Also the option ot go back to the main menu or back to where you had just
come from is always available.
Weak Points:The
age appropriateness of the program is in question. It says that it is for
grads K-12, but it really is suited for 7-12 or even 9-12.
Reviewer: Heather Marie Kenney
Position: Graduate
Student, MST-Chemistry
Computer System Reviewed on: Macintosh
PowerPC 6500/250, 32mb ram.