Title: Animals and
How They Grow
Overall Rating:B+
Source: National Geographic Society
Playing Time: 1 hour
Date: 1993
Cost: 59.95 (http://www.nationalgeographic.com/main.html)
Number of Players: 1
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: CD-Rom-
Color monitor strongly recommended
Subject Area: Science
Objectives: Discover how animals
grow. Introduce a child to the different growing and nurturing patterns
of animals, and their habitat.
Brief Description: This is a game of discovery
in which the child adopts the role of explorer. The library consists
of 4 groups of animals to choose from; mammals, amphibians, birds and insects.
Entry Capabilities Required: Reading Ability,
Computer Literacy and Vocabulary.
Rating: (1-5)
Relevance to objectives: 5 (Does what
it says it is going to do)
Provides practice of relevant skills:
N/A (This software is more of an informative reference tool)
Likely to arouse/maintain interest: 5
(It's fun and exciting. The pictures are facinating)
Likely to be comprehended clearly: 5 (Easy
to read and understand. Provides interesting facts)
Technical quality (durable, attractive):
(Very Attractive)
Game: N/A (This
software is more of an information reference tool)
Strong Points: Pictures are extremely
realistic. Music is provided. This software can be used across
a very wide spectrum, including hearing and visually impaired children.
Weak Points: Extra information can only
be excreted by double clicking on the word or picture shown on the monitor.
This is not explained on the introductory screen.
Reviewer: Dan VanDetta
Computer System Reviewed on: Macintosh
PowerPC 6500/250, 32mb ram.