Title: Sing-along Kids vol.1
Overall Rating:
Source: Sirius Publishing Inc
Playing Time: 1 hour
Date: 1993
Cost: $ 12.00 (for six CD set)
Number of Players: Multiple
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: CD
rom , audio
Subject Area: music
Objectives: to have fun singing along
with childrens songs
Brief Description: there is a choice of
10 different songs that have graphics, words, and the music for the listenting
and singing enjoyment of children
Entry Capabilities Required: computer
literacy, reading
Rating: (1-5)
Relevance to objectives: 5 (it is a fun
sing-along guide)
Provides practice of relevant skills:
Likely to arouse/maintain interest:
5 ( very colorful, and good music)
Likely to be comprehended clearly:
5 (the directions were very clear and easy to follow)
Technical quality (durable, attractive):
5 (the graphics complimented the music and were very colorful)
Game: Winning dependent on player actions (rather
than chance): N/A
Simulation: Validity of game model (realistic,
accurate depiction): N/A
Evidence of effectiveness (e.g. field-test
5 (my kids loved it!!!)
Clear directions for play: 5 (it was very
easy to navigate to different songs...my three year old could do it)
Effectiveness of debriefing:
Strong Points:
It was very colorful and fun to look at. The music was good, and the lyrics
were clear in audio and visual elements. It is also quite inexpensive.
Weak Points:
There were no moving pictures, only still graphics
Reviewer: Sonya Johnson
Position: student - GRED 518
Date: June 1998
Computer System Reviewed on: Macintosh
PowerPC 6500/250, 32mb ram.