Title: School House Rock, 1st      and 2nd Grade Essentials

Overall Rating: A
Source: Creative Wonders
Playing Time: 45 minutes
Date: 1997
Cost: $ 15.99 http://www.gamezone.com/gamesell/p10316.htm
Number of Players:  One - two
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: CDRom
Subject Area: Science, Math, Social Studies, Lang. Arts
Objectives: Basic Skills review
Brief Description: Player chooses games in each subject area, is given options of levels, progress depends on right answer.
Entry Capabilities Required: First grade reading and math.

Rating: (1-5)

Relevance to objectives:4 Better for home as it would be difficult to integrate specifics into school curriculum
Provides practice of relevant  skills: 5 strong reinforcement
Likely to arouse/maintain interest: 5 Player can change game format for each subject
Likely to be comprehended clearly: 5 Easy to use, help easily available 
Technical quality (durable, attractive): 5  
Game: Winning dependent on player actions (rather than chance): 3 Not always - sometimes due to chance
Simulation: Validity of game model (realistic, accurate depiction): 5 Games integrate and coincide with lesson
Evidence of effectiveness (e.g. field-test results): 5 (My kids loved it!)
Clear directions for play: 5 Bunny and help button always available for help after clear directions are provided.
Effectiveness of debriefing:

Strong Points: Teacher or parent can see who has played which games, their scores, and the specific skills those games covered.  
Weak Points: The fake southern accent of the bunny became annoying to all of us, even my six  year old. The highest level appeared to be too difficult even for bright second graders.
Reviewer:  Sue Stone
Position: Student
Date: June 14, 1998
Computer System Reviewed on: Macintosh PowerPC 6500/250, 32mb ram.
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