Title: South Western College Keyboarding
Overall Rating:
Source: Home
Playing Time: Indefinite, can be saved,
at least one half hour.
Date: 6/11/98
Cost: $54.95
Number of Players:One
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: none
Subject Area: Keyboarding
Objectives: To become proficient in the
touch method.
Brief Description: A compilation of lessons
and review and keypad/number key learning.
Entry Capabilities Required: None
Rating: (1-5)
Relevance to objectives: 5 Direct
correlation between the student participation, and what is being
Provides practice of relevant skills:
5 The student can learn in a variety of ways, through games, visual
lessons on the screen, and in an open screen looking at the book.
Likely to arouse/maintain interest: 4
It is basically self motivated, learning at your own pace, and the variety
of suggestions are useful.
Likely to be comprehended clearly: 5
There are step-by-step directions.
Technical quality (durable, attractive):
5 You can go in and out of each lesson, and the information already
keyed into each section is saved.
Game: Winning dependent on player actions (rather
than chance): 5 Winning, or completion
of a lesson is souly the responsibility of the participant.
Simulation: Validity of game model (realistic,
accurate depiction): 2 There is minimal
simulation, and it is not very sophisticated.
Evidence of effectiveness (e.g. field-test results):
5 Very effective, as long as it is practiced regularly.
Clear directions for play: 5 Help
along the way.
Effectiveness of debriefing:
No debriefing within the software.
Strong Points:
There is a report at the end of each lesson plan, and your progress can
be graphed. Each lesson plan section can be retyped. The practice
sections can be adjusted between accuracy and speed.
Weak Points:
It is not very flashy, and the game parts could be more sophisticated.
Reviewer: Michelle Rodee
Position: Graduate Student
Date: 6/11/98
Computer System Reviewed on: PC
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