Title: A World of Animals
Overall Rating:
Source: Satterlee 300 File Cabinet
Playing Time: 10 minutes/ section - 5
sections for children and 1 session of helpful hints for teachers.
Date: 06/11/98
Cost: $ 99.95 retail, $89.95 educators
Number of Players: As many as you want,
it's a storybook
Special Equipment/Facilities Needed: cd-rom
Subject Area: Animals
Objectives: n/a
Brief Description: Books that tell about
different types of animals (farm animals, spiders, whales, dinosaurs,etc)
Entry Capabilities Required: n/a
Rating: (1-5)
Relevance to objectives: 5, discusses
the animals very well
Provides practice of relevant skills:
1, does not require child to use equipment
Likely to arouse/maintain interest: 1,
pretty boring because child just sits and listens
Likely to be comprehended clearly: 5,
language is clear and understandable
Technical quality (durable, attractive):
5, excellent pictures provided for children
Game: Winning dependent on player actions (rather
than chance): n/a
Simulation: Validity of game model (realistic,
accurate depiction): no simulation
Evidence of effectiveness (e.g. field-test
4, very educational, just not interactive
Clear directions for play: n/a, no play
just sit and listen
Effectiveness of debriefing:
5, contains a lot of information and a summary of each animal
Strong Points:
Very educational, provides a lot of information about animals.
Weak Points:
Pretty boring, child just sits and listens to the stories, no interaction.
Reviewer: Lisa Weaver
Position: Undergrad student
Date: 06-11-98
Computer System Reviewed on: Macintosh
PowerPC 6500/250, 32mb ram.
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