Professional Experience in Research

Sea Turtles

Sea Turtle Necropsy at The University of Central Florida


1985 - 1988 Protected Species Data Coordinator : Florida Department of Natural Resources. Maintenance of research data on protected species for the production of reports and publications. Principal investigator of MARFIN grant that included aerial surveys, necropsies, and histopathology of recovered marine turtles.

1983 - 1985 Data Manager: Florida Institute of Oceanography. Duties included computer data analyses of information concerning various aspects of sea turtle biology.

Publications and Presentations

B.A. Hoffman and W.J. Conley. 1987. Public Aid to Help Assess Nesting Sea Turtle Populations in Florida. The Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management. Volume 1:519-535.

W.J. Conley and B. Hoffman. 1988. Nesting Activity of Sea Turtles in Florida: 1979-1985. Florida Scientist 50:201-210

Conley, W.J. 1986. Florida Sea Turtle Strandings: 1980 - 1984. Sixth Annual Conference of Sea Turtle Biologists, Waverley, Georgia.

Hoffman, B. and W. J. Conley. 1986. The Status of Florida's Sea Turtles. Poster. Sixth Annual Conference of Sea Turtle Biologists, Waverley, Georgia. Poster

Conley, W.J. 1987. History and Processing of Marine Turtle Permits in Florida. Seventh Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation.

B.A. Hoffman and W.J. Conley. 1987. Public Aid to Help Assess Nesting Sea Turtle Populations in Florida. The Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management. Seattle, Washington.

Conley, W.J. and B.H. Hoffman. 1987. An Update on Nesting Activity of Sea Turtles in Florida. Seventh Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Poster & Abstract.

Conley, W.J. and B.H. Hoffman. 1987. Strandings of Sea Turtles in Florida (1979- 1986). Seventh Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Poster & Abstract.

Conley, W.J. 1988. Sea Turtle Nesting Activity: An Analysis of Trends. Eighth Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Poster.

Harris, B., W.J. Conley and J. Alan Huff. 1984. The Status and Trends of Florida's Nesting Sea Turtle Populations from 1979 - 1983. Florida Department of Natural Resources. 26 pp.

Conley, W.J. and B.A. Hoffman. 1986. Florida Sea Turtle Nesting Activity: 1979 - 1985. Florida Department of Natural Resources. 53 pp.

Conley, W.J. 1988. Aerial surveys to determine the frequency of sea turtle strandings along the Florida west coast. MARFIN Annual Report. 36 pp.

1983 - 1993 Ph.D. Dissertation research : University of South Florida. Dissertation topic: Population Structure and Trophodynamics of Lanternfish (Pisces: Myctophidae) Larvae of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Dissertation Chairman: Dr. T.L. Hopkins.

1988 - 1990 Biological Scientist : Florida Department of Natural Resources. Supervised Coastal Zone Management Project investigating the distribution of fishes in the Little Manatee River, Florida.