Professional Experience in Education


Honors and Awards:

SUNY Potsdam Favorite Professor Award 2012
Chancellor's Award for Excellence 2010
President's Award for Excellence in Teaching 2009
Outstanding Professor of the Year 2006

Best Poster Presentation. Trevett J.B and W.J. Conley. 2004. Dietary analysis of three copepods from Clear Pond, NY.
Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Student Faculty Conference. Syracuse University.
Dean's List - University of Massachusetts (1979 - 1982).
Department Fellowship - Department of Marine Science (1983-1984)
St. Petersburg Shell Club Award (1985)
St. Petersburg Woman's Club - Book Scholarship (1985)
Seaspace Tuition Scholarship (1985 - 1988)
Gulf Coast Charitable Trust Scholarship (1985)
Listed in "Outstanding Young Men in America" (1985)
Listed in "Who's Who in Southeastern U.S." (1988 - 1996)
John Lake Fellowship (1990) - Outstanding Research Contributions
Bob Graham Award (1992) - Outstanding College Teaching

Publications and Professional Presentations

Nobles, M., C. Dawson, and W. J. Conley 2015.  A Decade of Disturbance: The Impact of Hurricanes, Oil Spills, and Dead Zones on Organisms of the Mississippi Sound.  SUNY Potsdam Research and Creative Endeavors Symposium
Navilio A. and W. J.  Conley. 2015. Modern Classification Upgrades of Invertebrate Educational Displays.  SUNY Potsdam Research and Creative Endeavors Symposium
Blackburn, A.,  N. O’Brien,  and W. J. Walter Conley.  2015.  An Analysis of the Role of Diatoms Extracellular Polysaccharide Secretions in Formation. SUNY Potsdam Research and Creative Endeavors Symposium
Lowe, ET, D Pawlowski, C Carlton, and WJ Conley.  2007.  After the Storm:  The Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Distribution and Abundance of Common Coastal Fishes and Shrimp in the Mississippi Sound.  Campus Festival SUNY Potsdam

Conley, W. J. 2007. Play to Learn. In: Ideas That Work When Teaching College. Robert Badger (ed.) SUNY College Press

Conley, W.J. Playing in Chloroplasts - Active Learning and Photosynthesis. 2005. 1st Annual Conference on Education. Teaching Creatively in a Standardized World. SUNY Potsdam April 2005.

Conley, W. J. 2004. Eating Sunlight: From the Sun Through the Sea. In: R.L Potter and G. G. Meisels (eds.) Science That Matters Vol.2 Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Dubuque, Iowa pp: 127-187

Conley, W.J. 2002. Play to Learn: Using Card Games to Learn Trophic Ecology. Beyond Chalk & Talk: Enhancing Student Learning in Higher Education. SUNY Oswego April 2002. Presenter.

Conley, W.J., J.V, Gartner,and A. Monroe 1998. Biology Online: An Issues Oriented Approach to General Education Selected Papers from the Ninth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Jack Chambers (ed.) pp: 53-62

Conley, W.J. 1998. Biology Online: An Issues Oriented Approach to General Education Ninth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville, Florida

Conley, W.J. 1998. Using the Internet to Enhance Student Learning in General Biology. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Mathematics and Science. Florida Higher Education Consortium 7th Statewide Conference, November

Conley, W. J., J.V. Gartner, Jr., and A. Monroe. 1997. Creating a Flexible Access/Delivery Course in Science. Inservice Presentation to Science Faculty. St. Petersburg College.

Conley, W. J. 1994. Challenging the Status Quo: Maximizing Scientific Literacy through Curriculum Reform. Inservice Presentation to Science Faculty. St. Petersburg College.



Profesional Instruction

1999 - present Biology Department. State University of New York, College at Potsdam. Biological Concepts, Trophic Ecology, Evolutionary Biology.

1996 - 1999 Professor St. Petersburg College and University Center. Biology (majors and non-majors), Honor's Biology, Marine Biology, Comparative Anatomy, and Oceanography

1993 - 1996 Program Director: Department of Natural Sciences, St. Petersburg College and University Center.

1990 - 1993 Assistant Professor: St. Petersburg College and University Center. Zoology, Biology, Comparative Anatomy, and Oceanography.

1983 - 1990 Adjunct Faculty: St. Petersburg College and University Center. Lecture instruction of courses in Oceanography and Zoology, and laboratory instruction of courses in Zoology, Chemistry, Biology, and Biophysical Science.

1979 - 1983 Teaching Assistant: Southeastern Massachusetts University. Assisted in the instruction of laboratory sections of graduate level courses in Biological Oceanography and Coastal and Estuarine Biology, and undergraduate courses in Invertebrate Biology and Biology of Populations.

Curriculum Development:

National Environmental Science Common Core Courses (C2NET)
Methods of Science - New Course
Introduction to Marine Science - New Course
Human Anatomy - New Course
Biology II - New Course

Advisory Boards:

Center for Advanced Technology - Lakewood High
Environmental Science Program - Pinellas County Schools
Community College Network for Environmental Technology (C2NET)
Technical Advisory Committee of the Tampa Bay National Estuarine Program

Electronic Publications:

HyperRat - A Hypercard dissection simulation of the white rat, Rattus norvegicus. Apple Alliance 1991.

Coastal Biology - A Hypercard tutorial for marine science students. Apple Alliance 1991.

On-Line Biology Course


Recent Conferences and Workshops:

Critical Thinking Workshop. SUNY Potsdam March 2003. Conference Planning Committee Member. Introduced Speaker.
Assessment As If Learning Matters Most. Dr. Thomas Angelo. Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley. November 2002. St. Lawrence University. Conference Planning Committee Member. Introduced Speaker.
Hold Fast the Dream. Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) October 2002 Atlanta Georgia
The Northeast/Mid Atlantic Learning Community Network's Learning Community Curriculum Retreat. October 2002 Holyoke Massachusetts
Beyond Chalk & Talk: Enhancing Student Learning in Higher Education. SUNY Oswego April 2002. Presenter.
Second Annual AAC&U Network Conference on the power of Learning Communities: Research Informing Practice: Association of American Colleges and Universities. April 2002 Atlanta
Intellectual Property in the Age of Technology. Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley. March 2002. Clarkson University.
Great Lakes Research Consortium, Student Faculty Conference 2001. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry. March. Conference Planning Committee Member. Session Moderator and Judge.
Good Teaching Matters - A Lot. Dr. Robert Leamnson Keynote. Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley. November 2001. Conference Planning Committee Member.
National Association of Biology Teachers; 2001 Annual Meeting Montreal
Critical Reflections on Technology and Pedagogy. Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley. 24 March 2001. St. Lawrence University. Conference Planning Committee Member
Dancing with the Devil: Information Technology and the New Competition in Higher Education. Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley. March 2001. Clarkson University.
Stop and Think: Critical Reflection on Technology and Pedagogy. Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley. St. Lawrence University. March 2001.
Great Lakes Research Consortium, Student Faculty Conference 2001. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry. March. Conference Planning Committee Member. Poster Session Judge.
Accountability for Candidate Learning in Teacher Candidate Assessment. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. 24-26 April 2001. Alexandria, Virginia.
A Life in School: What the Teacher Learned (Workshop) November 2000 Conference Planning Committee Member
A Foray into Experimental Teaching. State University of New York, Canton. 4 November 2000. Conference Planning Committee Member
Information Literacy Workshop. November 2000
Living and Working in a High Tech World: Implications for College Mathematics and Science. November 1999. Conference Planning Committee Member.
Enhancing Student Learning in Mathematics and Science - Conference Planning Committee Chair
Meeting the Challenges of General Science and Math Education - Conference Planning Committee Member
Life Sciences Committee. Committee Co-chair. Oversee the common requirements for all life science majors in the State University System.
Marine Science Alumni Symposium. Committee Co-chair.
Seventh Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation . Committee Co-chair:
Enhancing Student's Critical and Creative Thinking Skills - Attendee
Learning Style Differences in the College and University Classroom - Attendee
Gender Issues in Science Education - Attendee


Curriculum Development:

National Environmental Science Common Core Courses (C2NET)

Methods of Science - New Course

Introduction to Marine Science - New Course

Human Anatomy - New Course

Biology II - New Course

On-Line section of Biology taught over the Internet