Usenet Newsgroup Analysis

Your assignment is to look at the postings that collect on a Usenet newsgroup over the course of a weekend and to examine the general tone and content of the various discussions that are going on there. You should have subscribed to several different newsgroups already (if you have not done so yet, do it!) so that you a good chance of getting a group that is active enough to fulfill this assignment.

To fulfill the assignment, you will need to read the postings made to your newsgroup (try it at some point Sunday afternoon or evening, to make sure that enough have accumulated since you subscribed) and make some general observations along the following lines.

This paper should be about 2 pages long (at least a page and a half). You don't need to provide any introduction or overall thesis, just answer the questions and provide some evidence to support what you say.

It is due Monday, October 5, at the start of class.