Word Processing Skills assignment
English 12.35 (Fall 1999)

You will need your Student Guide to English 10, 11 and 12  (the only truly required text for this course) to complete this assignment.

Turn to page 14-16 and read the section entitled "Using Sources in your Writing." This section will give you some pointers on how to use proper attribution and documentation of sources in your papers, thereby avoiding occurences of accidental plagiarism. Look at the sample plagiarism exercise on page 17 and then turn the page when you are satisfied that you understand the reasons.

For Tuesday, August 31 you are to reproduce exactly (including page numbers at bottom center) the text that appears on pages 18 and 19 (do each page on a separate sheet), together with your answers to the questions that appear there. This will give you both some practice in formatting text with a word processor and in recognizing and avoiding instances of plagiarism.

Note: Your full name should appear at the upper left corner of both pages and  your answers to the question should be written in underlined text.

You will not be graded based on the correctness of your answers, but we will discuss the questions and answers in class on Monday, so be prepared to explain why you answered as you did. If you need help with your word-processing program, look back at the on-line tutorial at http://sites.unc.edu/~dmaus/word/ (if you're working at home) or ask the lab attendant where you're working (if you're on campus). If you still are having problems, e-mail me at dmaus@email.unc.edu.