Microsoft Word word-processing Tutorial

The tutorial we'll be doing today allows you to gain a greater degree of familiarity with the most common Word Processing program on the UNC campus. A lot of you may have used (or still do use) other word-processing software to do your work. I heartily recommend that if you're already comfortable with those, that you continue to use them. Be aware, though, that most campus facilities rely on Word 5.1 for Windows and Wordperfect 8 exclusively and, thus, may not be able to translate documents that you create with some other program. For this reason, some familiarity with Word will prove useful to you, no matter what your prior level of experience.

When you get to the front page of the tutorial, you will see a choice of links to follow, based upon the level of experience you feel you possess with using Word. I advise you strongly to underestimate your degree of experience initially. If you find yourself doing a lot of things that you already know how to do, you can always skip ahead. However, I want you to be able to perform all of the skills that this tutorial will teach, no matter what point you begin from. Therefore, it's better to err on the side of caution to begin with.

Once you finish all the sections of the tutorial, click on the link that says "Retrieve Assignment" and print out the page that will come on the screen. This assignment will be due completed in class on Tuesday, August 31.


When you're ready to begin, click here