Intermediate Macroeconomcs Economics 360 Spring 1998
Description This course focuses on employment, output, and income determination. It also analyzes problems associated with short-run cyclical fluctuations and stabilization policy. Textbook Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, and Richard Startz, Macroeconomcs, 7th ed. Grades Students are required to complete three essays examinations related to class materials and submit a term paper.
Grading Scale Term Paper You must write a paper that analyzes a macroeconomic event, problem or phenomenon. You may choose any focus that you wish so long that it is within the scope of macroeconomics. In the paper you must use a macroeconomic theory from the textbook as the framework from which you will analysis your issue. Whatever else your paper include you should define the problem; describe why it is a problem; explore the different points of view regarding the problem; explore the causes and effects as suggested by theory; analysis the problem and its component parts; examine each element and their relationships. Further stipulations include:
Plagiarism Plagiarism is the use of another person's work or ideas without attribution. Paraphrasing a book without indicating where that material came from constitutes plagiarism as much as does copying from another student's work. Plagiarism of any work required for this course will result in a grade of "0" for the course. The student's name will then be reported to the proper college authorities so that administrative action can be taken.