Instructional Technology and Media Management
ITED 651 - Systematic Instructional Design
- Course Syllabus -
Anthony Betrus: Instructor
Spring 2000

Credit: Three semester hours

Time: 5:30-8:45 PM Thursday through April 27

Location: Satterlee 300

Purpose: This course serves as an overview of the entire Instructional Design (I.D.) Process, from content and goal analysis to the completed Instructional Plan.  In addition to presenting and analyzing the I.D. process, this course provides opportunities to practice I.D. skills such as: Content Analysis, Preparation of Objectives, Instructional Strategy Development, Formative Evaluation, and Summative Evaluation.

Textbooks (Required): Dick, Walter and Lou Carey (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction.  Glenville, IL. Scott-Forseman

Textbooks (Recommended): Posner, George and Rudnitsky, Alan (1996). Course Design.White Plains, NY, Longman Publishing Co.


Quizes: There will be 5 quizes on during the first six weeks which test your knowledge of the readings.  These will be worth 20 points each.

Instructional Reports: There will be 7 project reports due, one for each stage in the systematic design of instruction.

Flow Chart: Mid-semester a flow chart depicting the instructional plan from objectives through to assessment will be due.

Individual Critiques: Each student will be assigned one of the project drafts to critique.  These should be at least five pages in length.

Final Project: This will be a compilation of the first 7 projects, worth a total of 400 points.

Attendance: Is required of all students.

Plagiarism: This course adheres to the College's policy on academic honesty as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog. Plagiarism may lead to grade reduction, course failure, or expulsion from school.

Course Schedule: (subject to change as needed)

Key: RED = Graded Group Projects; Orange = Graded Individual Projects; Green = Non-graded project due; Blue = No Class;Purple = Quiz
Date: Topic:
1//27 Course Introduction.  What is an Instructional Designer?  What does and Instructional Designer do? ID Card Game. Scenario role playing. Overview of Texts/Syllabus. Read chs. 1-3 of The Systematic Design of InstructionD&C). Introduction, Needs Assessment, Goal Analysis.
2/3 Read chs. 4-5 of D&C Identify Subordinate Skills, Analyze Learners and Contexts. Project Proposals due, groups formed. Quiz on Chapters 1-3
2/10 Read chs. 6-7 of D&C Writing Performance Objectives, Writing Assessment Instruments. Quiz on Chapters 4-5; Project Goal Analysis Due.
2/17 No Class - AECT Conference
2/24 Read chs. 8-9 of D&C Develop Instructional Strategy, Develop Instructional Materials. Quiz on Chapters 6-7; Project Subordinate Skills and Learner Analysis Due.
3/2 No Class - Winter Break
3/9 Read chs. 10, 11, and 12 of D&C Formative Evaluation, Revising Instructional Materials, Summative Evaluation. Quiz on Chapters 8-9; Project Objectives and Assessments Due.
3/16 Quiz on Chapters 10-12;Project Instructional Strategies and Materials Due. Guide to Lesson Plan Design
3/23 Project Flow Charts Due;Project Formative Evaluation Plans Due
3/30 Formative Evaluation & Revisions
4/6 Draft of Final Project Due.Project Revisions Due
4/13 No Class - Spring Break
4/20 5 Page Individual Critique of projects due.
4/27 FINAL PROJECTS DUE: Presentation of Final Projects.

Quizes: [5 x 20  ]  100 points
Individual Critiques: 50 points
Final Project: 50 points
TOTAL      400 points

540-600 points 4.0
510-539 points 3.5
480-509 points 3.0
450-479 points 2.5
420-449 points 2.0
390-419 points 1.5
360-389 points 1.0

Class Roster

Office Information:
Office: Satterlee Hall 216
Phone: (315) 267-2670
Office Hours: M,W 12:45-1:45; T, TH 4:30-5:30 or by appointment.

This page created January 26, 2000.  Last updated Feb 3, 2000.