Instructional Technology and Media Management
GRED 655 - Video Design and Production
- Course Syllabus -
Anthony Betrus: Instructor
Summer 2004

Credit: Three semester hours

Time: 8:00 - 11:15 Monday through Thursday July 27, 28, 29; August 2, 3, 4, 5; 9, 10, 11, 12

Location: Satterlee 300

Overview: This course provides students with an introduction to digitial video design and production techniques

1) Videographing - the Pictorial Sequence by Mendel Sherman for the AECT Presidents' Library
2) I-Movie2 Visual Quickstart Guide


Instructional Video Project - 50% of the overall Grade (DICT#3)

Variable Topic Project - 50% of the overall Grade

Attendance: Daily attendance is required of all students

Digital Storage: Each students is required to have a 32mb or larger pendrive (also called a ramdrive)

Course Schedule: (subject to change as needed)
Date Topic
July 27 Instroduction to Digital Video Editing: Quicktime & I-Movie. First Mini-Project (not graded). Read Sherman Text, Chapters 1-3 Imovie Text.
July 28 Videographing & Storyboarding. Remainder of class time used for developing storyboards. Read Chapters 4-6 Imovie Text.
July 29 Storyboard of Instructional Video project due today. Storyboards approved during class. Use of remainder of class time for capturing video. (DICT#4)
August 2 Continued use of class time for capturing video/Editing of projects.
August 3 Editing of projects.
August 4 Instructional Vidoe Projects due today. DVD preparation and burning.

August 5 Advanced Digitial Video Software - Final Cut Pro; I-Movie; Adobe Premierre; Adobe After-Effects; QuicktimeVR Authoring Studio. Storyboards of Variable Topic Video Project due today. Storyboards approved during class.
August 9 Class time used for capturing video.
August 10  Continued use of class time for capturing video.  Begin Editing Project.
August 11 Editing of Digital Project
August 12 Final Video Project and Report due. Burning DVDs.

Plagiarism: This course adheres to the College's policy on academic honesty as stated in the Graduate Catalog. Plagiarism may lead to grade reduction, course failure, or expulsion from school.

Students with Disabilities
Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations should speak with the professor as early as possible.  Students with disabilities should also contact: Sharon House, Coordinator of Accommodative Services at 267-3267, Sisson 112, or e-mail her at for further assistance. All disclosures will remain confidential.

Office Information:
Office: Satterlee Hall 212
Phone: (315) 267-2670
Office Hours: 11:15-Noon

This page created 7/37/04 by Anthony Betrus.  Last updated 7/27/04