Final Project (group project) 15 points
Lesson Plan on classroom use

This is a group project, that will show the competence gained in this class. Each group will be responsible for the creation of a technology rich lesson. This lesson will be standards based, and will involve a group presentation on its delivery.

What is expected of you for this project.
You will be responsible for developing an idea and getting approval for your project.
You may not use any previously developed course work for this final project.

Your projects will include, but not be limited toL
At least 3 different technologies adressed.
Must be student centered.
A minimum of 40 minutes of instruction should be addressed.
A minimum of 2 learning outcomes should be addressed. (Content Standards)
Appropriate Common Core Standards will be incorporated.
Appropriate sequencing and timing of technological applications evidenced.
A thorough bibliography citing resources that have been used.