PowerPoint Project (Individual project) 15 points
Lesson Plan on classroom use

Most people have seen or used Microsoft's PowerPoint software for presentation purposes. This is not the only use that the program has. It can also be used as a way to provide students with additional learning opportunities.
What is expected of you for this project.
The project must be designed to be interactive. In other words, this must be designed for a student or a small group of students to use on their own(without the teacher), not for the teacher to present in front of the class.

At least 12-15 total slides.

Project must be non-linear (as opposed to one slide, the next slide, then the next, and so-on).

A minimum of 1 imported graphic per slide. *

A minimum of 2 imported integrated sound clips. *

A minimum of 1 imported integrated video clip. *

Appropriate transitions to slides

Appropriate sequencing and timing of animations.

* These resources must be gathered from online sources.

Resources for this project:
Click Here for a link to a Storyboard Explanation