Eric Sharlow
home: 315-769-2036
mobile: 315-842-8234
Class Location: SUNY Potsdam Satterlee 300 Computer Lab
August 31-September 1
November 30-December 1
December 7-December 8
Times: Friday classes 4pm-9pm, Saturday classes 9am-5pm
Overview and Purpose
This course is a survey of computer based and non-computer based technologies for use in instructional settings. Although no formal pre-requisite course is required, this course is designed as an intermediate level course, and is not an introductory course. Students should be comfortable working with technology, especially computers, and ready to explore intermediate technology topics including: audio, video, and student centered on-line activities.
Course Goals
1) Students will acquire a working knowledge of various technologies, as well as appropriate theories for integrating technology into instructional settings. The focus is on how to integrate technology to deliver instruction. The focus should not be on teaching the technology, but on content specific final products.
2) Students will prepare a holistic plan for integrating technology (including, but not limited to, the topics covered in class) into an instructional setting.
3) Students will prepare materials that meet the Conceptual Frameworks of SUNY Potsdam as well as the initial standards set forth by AECT.
Course Requirements
Students will have a flash drive, Ipod, portable hard drive or other mass storage device. A noise cancellation microphone. Access to a digital video recorder (with usb cable). Also students will have online website access ( This can be through Taskstream, Google or Time Warner). Students will also need to create an account at http://www.aviary.com ( it is free).