Q2: I have the sound captured, now what do I do?
A2: You should play the sound to see if it started where you wanted,
and if it ended where you wanted. If it starts too soon or ends too
late (even by a split-second), you need to EDIT the sound.
Q3: OK, I've got my sound (either by capturing it, or obtaining it from
another source), Now how do I edit my sound:
A3: There are two ways, and the way you choose depends on the what
you want to do with your sound. If you want the sound to be a
sound-only movie (in the case of background sounds in Hyperstudio for instance),
then you should use "Play It Cool" to edit the sound. If you want
the sound to be a typical sound effect in .aiff, .sy7 (system 7), or .wav
format, then you'll need to use "Sound Effects." Click here
for a step-by-step guide to editing sound with Sound Effects.
This page created 11/19/00 by Anthony
Betrus. Last updated 11/19/00.