ACHTUNG! You will now be taken to Castle Wolfenstein

F401: Simulation & Gaming


Welcome intrepid explorer to Indiana University's newest course offering. Starting January 13th, 1997, the Instructional Systems Technology department will offer the course to all University students. The course will cover a history of video games, u p to and including the recent craze in multimplayer gaming. You can take a look at the syllabus to see all of the topics that will be covered, you can take a look at the class schedule, or if you want to get a jump on things, take a look in the game grav eyard and experience games you played 10 or even 15 years ago for the first time!

Course Homepage Class Schedule Game Graveyard Course Syllabus

Instructor/Created by: Anthony Betrus (
Created: 11/2/96 Updated:3/2/97