F401: Simulation and Gaming
Topic #1: A History of Video Games
There is no definitive written history of video games, but a few ambitious
people have put there own versions out there on the web for us to look
Greg Chance's History of Home Video Games Home page at http://www.sponsor.net/~gchance/
Another site http://www.tms.tribune.com/courant_vgames/history.htm
Yet Another Site http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/usr/pb2w/video_games.html
The game review for this topic should emphasize
the following:
- At least 3 references included in your paper.
- At least 1 of these 3 references must be a primary
source, written at the time the game came out.
- Description of the game in the context of when
it was released.
- Comparison to other games that came out at the
The game design for this topic should emphasize
the following:
- Storyboards - Draw pictures of what it looks
like to play the game.
- Description of the game story (if any).
- Description of the interface, what options are
available to the player, how do they do them.
- What platform this would have been released on.
- What date this would have been released.
Instructor/Created by: Anthony
Betrus (abetrus@indiana.edu)
Created: 11/2/96 Updated:3/18/97