Grade Calculation:
100 points max
90 (90%) = 4.0
87 (87%) = 3.7
83 (83%) = 3.3
80 (80%) = 3.0
77 (77%) = 2.7
73 (73%) = 2.3
70 (70%) = 2.0
Below 40 = 0.0

You are expected to attend each scheduled class meeting because material covered in the lecture may not be available in other venues. Troubleshooting and in class demonstrations will expand the learning experience.
Because of the nature of the course, there will be considerable discussion of course topics. You are expected to voice opinions and ideas as well as participate in regular question and answer sessions. Please feel free to contribute past technological experiences and familiarity with different software programs.

Course Ethics:
Cheating in any fashion will not be tolerated, including but not limited to plagiarizing another’ s words, work or ideas on individual class assignments, falsifying records or cheating on exams. You will be held to the college’s policy on academic honesty as stated in the Graduate Catalog.

Students with Disabilities:
Students with a disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations should speak with the professor as early as possible. Students with disabilities should also contact: Sharon House, Coordinator of Accommodative Services at 267-3267, Sisson 112, or e-mail her at for further assistance. All disclosures will remain confidential.

You can explore the college grading policy and academic honesty criteria here.