Course Assignments
This course is designed as a project-based course. You must submit a variety of projects to demonstrate your competencies and complete the course requirements. These projects will be organized into and submitted in six different activities. For that reason, the majority of your grade will be determined by the quality of the projects that you turn in. You will also be assigned four reading assignments that you will prepare a position paper on.These are all weighted, as specified below, in determining final grades. Specifics of each assignment are found by accessing the links above or their titles below.
1. Individual short presentation (20 pts) date due: Class 2
2 Group presentation (25 pts) date due: Class 4
3. Individual/Group final presentation (35 pts) date due: Class 6
4. Active listener/Critiques (10 pts) date due: following presentations
Reading Assignments (total 10 pts)
Each reading assignment will be handed in at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. Since we will be discussing the content of the assigned readings in class that day, no late papers will be accepted. Your paper will be a brief, consisting of your interpretation of the article and your substantiated opinion of the subject matter.
Texts: Mandatory Reading
1. (2.5 pts) date due:
Bill Cosby on telling stories.
2 . (2.5 pts) date due:
The King’s speech
3. (2.5 pts) date due:
4. (2.5 pts) date due: