Individual presentation: 20 points  

The topic of this presentation will be d

Your purpose is to move your audience to take a suggested action. This presentation will be focussed on a pet peeve that you have. You will not be allowed to use any electronics in this presentation. It will be 5-7 minutes in length. You must still prepare and handout supplemental materials.

Decide on your audience and what you expect them to learn from your presentation. This is the area where you should pay attention to refining your topic and what your objectives of the presentation are..

Write the story (plan) of your presentation. This will be used for reference when building the site. Include all pictures, sounds and movies in your plan. Do not forget to site your sources.

Build the additional stuff that you will need for handouts or digital editions of work that you want your audience to have.

Remember that your audience will be the whole class as they will be critiquing the presentation as well as the instructor.

Your grade will consist of 10 points for supplemental materials and 10 points for the presentation delivery.