Department of Chemistry, SUNY-Potsdam


DoD Program Idea Grant                DoD Program Description               

Redox Abnormalities as a Vulnerability Phenotype for Autism and Related Alterations in CNS Development

PI: Professor Maria Hepel                 Students involved in the Project:    click to see Dr. Hepel's group


Major Accomplishments                                                                                click on picture for more info

1. Design of positive potential-barrier immunosensors

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2. "Molecular beacon" based fluorescent assay for detection of glutathione and cysteine

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3. Resonance Elastic Light Scattering (RELS) Spectroscopy of Fast Non-Langmuirian Ligand-Exchange in Glutathione-Induced Gold Nanoparticle Assembly
             click on picture for more info


4. Rapid functionalization of metal nanoparticles by moderator-tunable
ligand-exchange process for biosensor designs


5. Ligand Exchange Effects in Gold Nanoparticle Assembly Induced by Oxidative Stress Biomarkers: Homocysteine and Cysteine

Transmission Electron Micrographs of gold nanoparticle assemblies


6. Resonance Elastic Light Scattering and Plasmonic Phenomena in Glutathione-Mediated Gold Nanoparticle Assembly


7. Detection of Oxidative Stress Biomarker Homocysteine Utilizing Resonance Elastic Light Scattering


8. Microsensor arrays for determination of biomarkers of oxidative stress


9. Comparative kinetic model of fluorescence enhancement in selective binding of monochlorobimane to glutathione

HEPEL M., STOBIECKA M., "Comparative kinetic model of fluorescence enhancement in selective binding of monochlorobimane to glutathione", Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A, 225 (2011) 72-80.



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