International research collaborations and students exchange:
Professor Zbigniew Stojek from the University of Warsaw,
Poland, and his research associate Dr. Anna Nowicka collaborated with Dr.
Hepel on the development of DNA biosensors to evaluate DNA damage caused by
pesticide and herbicides. This collaboration resulted in
publications: in Biophysical Chemistry 146 (2010) 43-52,
ECS Transactions 19 [28] (2009) 1-13, and Electroanalysis 22 (2010) 2323-2329, and presentation on the
Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL, March 2010.
Dr. Magdalena Stobiecka, a researcher from Polish Academy of
Sciences (PAN), Olsztyn, Poland, from the Biosensor Group of Professor Jerzy
Radecki, is a Visiting Scholar at SUNY Potsdam and is currently working with Dr. Hepel on a DoD Project (2008-2011)
which resulted in a number of publications
(including recent papers in Biomaterials
32 (2011)
3312-3321, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A
225 (2011)
72-80, Biophysical Chemistry 146 (2010) 43-52,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 350
(2010) 168–177, Sensors and Actuators B, 149 (2010) 373-380,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
13 (2011)
1131-113), several chapters in books, and
presentations at the National Meetings of the
American Chemical Society (Denver, CO, in 2011; Boston, MA, in 2010;
Washington, DC, in 2009),
on the 4-th International Conference on Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress and
Disease in New York, NY, 2009, at the New York Academy of
Sciences; and also on the Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, MA,
2009, and on the International Fischer Conference
in Benediktbeuern, Germany, in 2009. Previous collaboration with Polish Academy of
Sciences resulted in publications: in
Electrochimica Acta 50 (2005) 4873-4887 and
70 (2007) 155-164 and
presentations at the International Society of Electrochemistry Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004 and at International Society of
Electrochemistry Meeting in Busan, Korea, 2005. Dr. Hepel visited PAN, in Olsztyn, in 2006.
Dr. Hui Xu, a researcher from Ludong University,
China, visited SUNY Potsdam in 2010 and performed with Dr. Hepel
research studies on DNA biosensors. The collaboration resulted in a
publication in Analytical Chemistry 83 (2011) 813-819.
Professor Petr Skladal from Masaryk University, Brno, Czech
Republic collaborated with Dr. Hepel in the field of piezoimmunosensors and
two of his doctoral students, Jan Halamek and Jan Pribyl, visited SUNY
Potsdam and performed research studies (see: next) resulting three
publications and several conference presentations.
Dr. Jan Pribyl from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech
Republic, visited SUNY Potsdam in Fall 2001 and worked with Dr. Hepel on developing piezoelectric immunosensors
for toxic pollutant PCB in Fall 2001. These studies have been
published in the Journal
Sensors and Actuators, Chemical B,
91 (2003) 333-341 and
(2006) 900-910 by J. Pribyl, M. Hepel and P. Skladal.
Dr. Jan Halamek from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech
Republic, visited SUNY Potsdam in Spring 2000 and studied with Dr. Hepel piezoelectric immunosensors
for pesticides 2,4-D and atrazine, results being published as a Chapter in
the book "Chemical & Biological Sensors and Analytical Methods",
Proceedings of the International Society of Electrochemistry and the
Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, Sept. 2-7, 2001, (Eds)
P. Vanysek, S. Bruckenstein.
Kanna Ito, SUNY Potsdam chemistry major, carried out
research studies at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, during
Summer of 2002, as an exchange student. The collaboration of Dr.
Hepel's group with Dr. Petr Skladal at the Masaryk University in Brno
resulted in visits of two doctoral students from Brno in SUNY Potsdam and several
Dr. Hepel collaboration with the Center for Materials
Research in Energy Conversion at the University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia, resulted in her visit in Sydney in February-March, 2006, and a
publication on solar energy conversion in the International
Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2006/7), available on WEB.
Dr. Mieczyslaw Scendo from Saint-Cross University in Kielce,
Poland, visited SUNY Potsdam in 2002 and performed research with Dr. Hepel on
copper corrosion inhibition using ethylxanthate films deposited
on copper piezoelectrodes. The results have been published as a
Chapter in book "Thin Films: Preparation, Characterization,
Applications", (Eds.) J. Stickney and M. Soriaga, Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2002, pp. 171-184.
Dr. Jin Luo from
the University in Xiamen, China, visited SUNY
Potsdam in 2001 and spent one year investigating with Dr. Hepel photoelectrocatalytic processes of dye pollutant degradation on transition
metal oxide semiconductor electrodes. Results have been published as
an invited paper for the Special Issue "Electrochemistry and the
Environment" of Electrochimica Acta.
47 (2001) 729-740,
paper entitled: "Photoelectrochemical Mineralization of Textile Diazo Dye
Pollutants Using Nanocrystalline WO3 Electrodes".
Dr. Irina Shiyanovkaya from Kiev University, Ukraine,
visited SUNY Potsdam in 1996 and investigated with Dr. Hepel photocatalytic and electrochromic processes
using nanostructured semiconductor film electrodes. Papers published:
Journal of Electrochemical Society
145 (1998)
3981-3985; 145 (1998) 1023-1028;
146 (1999) 243-249;
Journal of New Materials for
Electrochemical Systems
(2000) 241-247.
Dr. Hepel was awarded a NATO Collaborative Research Grant CRG
930020 for 1993-1995, for collaboration with Dr. Ulrich Stimming, Director
of the Institut fur Energieverfahrenstechnik, Julich, Germany, which
resulted in Dr. Stimming visit at SUNY Potsdam. Dr. Hepel visited
Julich in Germany in the Spring of 1992. Her visit resulted in a
collaborative study: "Composite PPy/Pt Films as Potential Materials for Fuel
Cells" by M. Hepel, Y.M. Chen, U. Stimming, published in
of the First International Symposium on New Materials for Fuel Cell Systems,
July 9-13, 1995, Montreal, Canada, 1995, pp. 629-657, Publishers: The
Montreal University, (Eds.) O. Savadogo, P. R. Roberge, T. N. Veziroglu.
Dr. Hepel visited University of Bristol, U.K., in Fall 1991
and investigated reactivity and properties of tetracyanoplatinum salts using EQCN and
SEM. This research resulted in a publication with D.C. Loveday, A.R.
Hillman, A.G. Orpen and P.G. Pringle (Journal of Materials Chemistry 6
(1996) 993-998).
Dr. Zbigniew Fijalek from Drug Reserach Institute in Warsaw,
Poland, carried out at SUNY Potsdam investigations with Dr. Hepel on drug
release conductive polymer films during Summer 1991. The collaboration
has led to publication of a Chapter in book:
"Polymeric Drugs and Drug
Administration" entitled: "Electrorelease of Drugs from Composite
Polymer Films" by M. Hepel and J. Fijalek, ACS Symposium Series 545, Chapter
7, Washington, D.C., 1994, pp. 79-97.
Professor Wladyslaw Janusz from Marie-Curie-Sklodowska University
in Lublin, Poland, visited SUNY Potsdam and studied photoelectroactive
methylene-blue films on gold EQCN electrodes in 1990. His work resulted in
a collaborative publication: "Study of Leuco-Methylene Blue Films Growth and Its
Reoxidation on Sulphur-Modified Au-EQCN Electrode" by M. Hepel and W. Janusz,
Electrochimica Acta, Special Issue on "The QCM in
Electrochemistry", 45 (2000) 3785-3799.

Nanoporous TiO2
for solar energy conversion and direct
methanol fuel cells

Degradation of dye pollutants
density surface
with map
of highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals (HOMO)
for dye pollutant Remazol
Blue Black.
Decomposition of pollutants studied by
photo-electrocatalytic method using TiO2, WO3, and MoO3
semiconductor electrodes

Quantum Conductance Monatomic Nanobridge Devices
studied using conductanc spectroscopy and