CHEM-415 Instrumental Analysis Lecture
CHEM-415 Instrumental Analysis Lab
CHEM-311 Quantitative Analysis Lecture
CHEM-311 Quantitative Analysis Lab
CHEM-315 Forensic Science (Lecture)
CHEM-480 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
CHEM-497 Research Problems
CHEM-308/309 Chemistry Seminars
CHEM-495 Special Topics
25 years of teaching experience. Courses taught:
Quantitative Chemical Analysis (lectures, labs,
and recitation)
2) Instrumental
Analysis (lectures and labs)
3) Electrochemistry
4) Physical
Chemistry (labs and recitations)
5) General
Chemistry (labs and recitations)
6) Electrochemistry
of Semiconductors (lectures)
7) Analysis
in Biology and Medicine (lectures)
8) Clinical
Analysis (lectures)
9) Analytical
Techniques in Human Toxicology (lectures)
10) Electroanalytical
Techniques in Clinical Chemistry (lectures)
11) Undergraduate
12) Forensic
Science (lectures)
13) Advanced
Analytical "Modern Electroanalytical Techniques" (lectures)
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and organizing the 21st Annual
Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Effective Engagement Techniques",
sponsored by Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, November 3,
2012, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY.
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and organizing the 20th Annual
Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Developing Critical Thinking",
sponsored by Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, November 12,
2011, SUNY Potsdam, Potsdam, NY.
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and organizing the 19th Annual
Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Effective Teaching",
sponsored by Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, November 6,
2010, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY.
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and organizing the 18th Annual
Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Teaching Digital Natives",
sponsored by Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, November 7,
2009, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY.
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and organizing the 17th Annual
Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Preparing Our Students for the World
Through a Globalized Curriculum", sponsored by Associated Colleges of
the St. Lawrence Valley, November 1, 2008, SUUNY Canton, Canton NY.
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and organizing the 16th Annual
Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Excellence in Teaching& Course Design
for Significant Learning", sponsored by Associated Colleges of the St.
Lawrence Valley, November 3, 2007, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY.
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and organizing the 15th Annual
Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Why is Academic Freedom Controversial",
sponsored by Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, November 4,
2006, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY.
Dr. Hepel was involved in planning and
organizing the 14th Annual Teaching Effectiveness Conference "Undergraduate Research: Models, Funding and Pedagogy", sponsored by
Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, October 29, 2005, Clarkson
University, Potsdam, NY. Three chemistry students: Indee Dela
Kumarihamy, Florence Shu and John Bennett working under Dr. Hepel
supervision contributed poster presentations to this conference.
Dr. Hepel
participates in the National Science Foundation sponsored program for
innovating of undergraduate curriculum through incorporation of the
state-of-the-art instrumentation. She presented a paper at the
National Meeting of the American Chemical Society held in Boston, MA, August
19-23, 2007, at the symposium NSF Catalyzed Innovations in the
Undergraduate Curriculum organized by NSF, on "Applications of AFM in
imaging of nanowires and nanostructured semiconductor electrocatalysts,”
One result of this work is Dr. Hepel's published a paper in the Journal of
Chemical Education 85 (2008) 125, on innovative teaching in
upper division analytical chemistry and physical chemistry courses


Nanoporous TiO2
for solar energy conversion and direct
methanol fuel cells

Degradation of dye pollutants
density surface
with map
of highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals (HOMO)
for dye pollutant Remazol
Blue Black.
Decomposition of pollutants studied by
photo-electrocatalytic method using TiO2, WO3, and MoO3
semiconductor electrodes

Quantum Conductance Monatomic Nanobridge Devices
studied using conductanc spectroscopy and